I hate doing admin work!

Do you? Well I just love it.
There is so much under the "admin" role that can be supported by an Executive Assistant and also one that is not sitting in your office too. Less hassle sorting out furniture, tax, NIC and everything else that comes with employing staff. Don't get me wrong, there will certainly come the time when you have to employ but if that time is not now then out-sourcing is a good alternative. We certainly do not replace in-house staff but are a cost-effective way of providing support when there is lack of working space or budget to employ.
There may be certain aspects in your business which is time consuming, routine work, tasks that are non-revenue which you undertake. Think about it this way; if for instance you charge out £100 per hour to your customers, then it is costing you £100 per hour to do your own admin work. Yes you may say you have time to do this, but could you spend that time working on marketing, producing new products. Which would be best - creating new business or plodding on with admin?
This is where I step in to work with you and help you manage these tasks, be it to update your database, making business appointments with your clients, creating forms, or even checking on your emails.
So how do you work smarter?
My suggestion would be to start by listing every activity you do in your business, from ordering stationery to making appointments, from researching on the internet to adding posts onto social media. Don't forget to list all the tasks which bring in your revenue - these should be tasks that only you can do (until you are ready to employ and expand your business).
Review your list and see what can be delegated - don't worry too much about the tasks not being carried out in the way you would do them; the fact is that they are carried out by others to reach the same goal in an effective way, to save you time.
Since you have completed these non-revenue tasks yourself, you will have informative knowledge of how long each will take and be able to judge how many hours to delegate.
I think letting go is the hardest part, but start small to build up the trust with your chosen virtual Executive PA.
Thinking of working with a VA, then chat to me with your thoughts.
Take Care
kathryn@kbadminsolutions.co.uk | 07918 667509