UK Government's Initiative for SME's
I have just come across 'Recovery Advice for Business Scheme' which has been set up by the UK government through Enterprise Nation, offering free expert advice to small business owners.
If you have not come across this yet, it is aimed to provide advice to SME's to help UK recover.
UK's professional and trade bodies are behind this initiative with literally thousands of experts who have already signed up to this initiative. Each adviser has committed to provide SME's to at least 1 hour of their time to give you one-to-one advice, absolutely free!
This Recovery Advice for Business Scheme for SME's is available until the end of 2020.
This advice covers:
A guide to small business grants in the UK and how to apply.
Self-employed tax deductible expenses: what can you claim?
What bank has the best business bank account?
What type of business insurance do I need?
This ranges from:
Accountancy & Finance
Advertising & Marketing
HR & Outsourcing
Enterprise Nation's website has numerous advisers available for different industries, with online meetups, free e-learning with 10 learning modules starting from beginner - "Writing a Plan and Registering your Company".
Also listed are daily webinars, Amazon Small Business Accelerator and much more besides. You can find an adviser for any aspect of your business.
Hope this information is helpful to you and helps your business to flourish in these Covid-19 times.
Take Care